Tuesday, June 24, 2003

I got my site back into order. Hopefully I can get hosted or something. So anyways, I put up a new layout. Im working on a past layouts section...this site kinda went dull in the middle but I am ready to take it over again. I realized that a lot of people haven't seen my past layouts, so I am going to do that. I am so tired. I gotta do my laundry today, and so much shit going down. Hw, studying, website, work. I saw Michelle Branch in concert a few weeks ago and today she's gonna be at FYE which is a store on 51 St signing autographs. Ahhh the joy of living in city like New York. :). I really like living here. I just wish it wasn't so noisy most of the time. I realized when I lost my old site, that many people tried to couldn't find my site bc the link was changed. I would like you guys to know that you can reach my site at angelic-demise.tk, instead of typing the whole url. It's been bouncing around, so I try to let you have some convenience. Everyone went like "WHERE'S YOUR JOURNAL, GIRL?" I forgot to add that. Whoops.